RISD recognizes the importance of mental health and wellbeing. To help ensure that, we provide employees and their family members access to high-quality, reliable and confidential services through an employee assistance program (EAP), Coastline EAP. This program is available 24/7 and is free of charge. All services are voluntary and confidential, and cover a wide-range of items including:
- legal assistance
- financial assistance
- counseling referrals
- work/life resources
Start date: Coverage begins on the first day of employment.
End date: Coverage ends on the last day of active employment.
Cost: Traditional EAP assessment and referral services are paid in full by RISD. However, services beyond traditional referrals are the responsibility of the employee or family member. Services that employees may be responsible for include but are not limited to:
- mental health counseling
- legal counseling
- financial planning
To learn more, please contact Coastline EAP at 800 445-1195 or visit coastlineeap.com.
For access to more than 20,000 online resources, choose Employees and Family on the Coastline EAP homepage.
Username: RISD
Password: employee
- Informações em Portugues
- Información en Español
- Orientation Video
- Vídeo de orientação – Portugues
- Vídeo de orientación – Español